jueves, 22 de enero de 2009


Maybe the Academy read my post hahahahaha!! (yeah, right)


“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt”. Sylvia Plath.

First of all, I would like to describe this experience as new. This is the first semester I take the English course, because I did not want to take the proficiency test.

For me, It was almost a necessity
to start writing in English again. I have not done it since I graduated from high school, that is almost five years ago, and I wanted to loosen my hand again. Actually, it is a must since I am a mass media student.

I did not learn a lot of new vocabulary, but
I was able to refresh something very important in writing: the connectors. I will treasure that class guide for the rest of my life.

On the other hand, It was very interesting and rewarding
to write different kinds of texts and experiment with different types and styles of writing… from a distance education reading to a British movie summary.

According to this, this subject accomplished my goal. As you can see,
I now have an English blog with a lot of texts of my own. And, who knows? Maybe I will continue writing here…




Today the Academy will announce the nominations for the 81th Oscar Ceremony.

One issue a lot of people are worried about is whether Heath Ledger –who died last year because of an accidental drug overdose-, will be nominated or not for best supporting actor award, for his role as the Joker in the last Batman movie: The Dark Knight.

Some people think that he not only deserves the nomination, but also winning the award; while on the contrary, others believe that if he wins the posthumous Oscar, it will be only because of sentimental reasons regarding his death.

In my opinion, Heath Ledger deserves the Oscar and, as a mass media student, I would tell you why.

First of all, if you investigate about actors who have been nominated for the Oscar award posthumously, you will only find six names. And most important of all, only one of them won the award, who was Peter Finch in 1976 – two months after he died- for the Film Network.

So, as you may see, the statistics prove that the Academy does not care about emotional issues. It is concern about good acting.

Precisely, Heath Ledger is an example of an extraordinary interpretation. He practically disappeared into the Joker’s role. In fact, his acting is so impeccable, that the audience does not feel a performance, but
a perception of truth and reality.

In my own view, Heath Ledger committed a hundred percent physically and emotionally with his character. It is almost impossible to recognize his presence on the screen, because he transformed himself completely, almost losing his own identity, to assume the Joker’s character.

For example, he dyed his hair green, changed his voice completely, began to laugh as a maniac, changed his smile for a mock, and incorporated a tongue tic, among several other changes.

Moreover, Heath Ledger is capable of transmitting all kind of emotions during the Dark Knight movie. As soon as he appears on scene, the audience begins to feel nervous. In fact, most people say that this movie is about the Joker not Batman, because of Ledger’s interpretation.

On the other hand, it is important to say that an award is also given for the trajectory and versatility of the actor. In this case, let’s not forget that Heath Ledger was nominated for best actor in 2005 for the movie “Brokeback Mountain”. In said movie, he played a homosexual cowboy… definitely a very different role compared to the Joker.

For all these reasons, I personally believe that Heath Ledger deserves not only an Oscar nomination, but also winning the golden statue.

He already won the Golden Globes, the Critics´ Choice and the People´s Choice awards. I hope the Academy also rewards this wonderful actor, not only because he passed away, as I said before, but also for the extraordinary job he did when he was alive.

And, do you want to know a coincidence? This year´s Oscar nominations date, that is January 22nd, matches the
first year anniversary of Heath Ledger’s death… R.I.P.

A GOOD CHRISTIAN: Narrative Text (extra)

This is the story of an atheist. The man was walking through the forests when, suddenly, a big brown bear attacked him. So the atheist looked up to the sky and screamed: God, help me!!

Everything in the forest became still. The rivers stopped flowing, the leaves got frozen in the air, the clouds no longer move, the air stopped blowing, the bear looked like petrified… the atheist could not believe that all this could be happening.

Suddenly, the Atheist heard a voice coming from the sky… It was God talking to him.

─You have always denied my existence…and now, only because you are in grave danger, you call my name─ said The Lord, and then added
–What do you want me to do for you?-

And the Atheist responded…

─Well God, I can not promise you to become a religious man… I only ask you to make of this bear, a good Christian…─

After a few seconds, God said…

─ I will… ─

So everything in the forests recovered its normal state. And then, the bear looked at the atheist, watched the sky, closed its eyes, joined his hands and prayed…

─I Thank you Lord for the food I am about to receive…Amen! ─


First of all, because the purpose of the journalist in the
“Creatures clone selves in face of danger” text is just to inform about the response of sand dollar larvae when they sense predators are near.

The expositive texts are characterized for transmitting information to a specific audience by means of objective data and explanations. In this case, the text reports an experiment conducted by a scientist that proved sand dollar larvae create clones of themselves when they are exposed to danger.

For this reason, it can be asserted that the information given in the text is objective, because the journalist
quotes the results of a research work conducted by Dawn Vaughn, a biology doctoral student at the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories, who explains and describes what he discovered in his experiment.

At the same time, given that the text is related to a science topic, the
audience is restricted to those who are interested in the subject.

On the other hand, it can be said that the “Creatures clone selves in face of danger” text is expositive due to the way is written. The information is given by the journalist
step by step and using sequence connectors (such as after, eventually, additionally, among others) to attach one idea with another one.

Besides, the journalist writes in third person. This aspect confirms that the text is not an opinion of the author. On the contrary, it is based on the result of a scientific experiment conducted by a trustful person: Dawn Vaughn, a biology doctoral student.

To conclude, the “Creatures clone selves in face of danger” text definitely does have the characteristics of an expositive text having, as a result, a document that contributes to amplify the knowledge about the sand dollar larvae; not only using objective data –based in a specialist’s experiment-, but also describing the entire process.


Doctoral student Dawn Vaughn conducted an experiment in order to find out the response of sand dollar larvae when they sense predators are near.

In order to accomplish his objective, he exposed four day old sand dollar larvae to fish mucus, a sign that danger is closed, and found that larvae created clones of themselves within 24 hours.

On the other hand, larvae that were not exposed to the fish mucus did not clone themselves. As a result of the experiment, now the scientist thinks that cloning may provide a double benefit: by doubling themselves, they have a second chance to ensure their genetic information survives even if one larva is eaten. Additionally, being smaller makes it easier for larvae to hide from fish.

In conclusion, this is another evidence of the power of nature and how certain creatures are capable of doing things, such as cloning themselves, in order to avoid danger.